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About the presenter: Prior to joining NYC Admissions Solutions, Dana served as a director of college counseling in high schools in Miami, Florida, and Washington, D.C. Most recently, she lead the development of a new, comprehensive career services office in a Brooklyn high school to help students understand the importance of career development in the college admissions and decision process. Dana brings to NYCAS over 10 years of experience in college admissions counseling, as well as a unique background in both college and career counseling, along with student development services at the collegiate level.

NYCAS College Application & Writing Workshop for Rising 12th Graders

with college admissions counselor, Dana Ponsky

An interactive, hands-on workshop for rising 12th graders to get a head start on the college application process so they (and you) can have a stress-free summer!

Join us June 15th from 10AM-1PM in Downtown Manhattan 

Registration Required *space is limited*

*All students are required to bring their own laptop/Chromebook that can easily connect to WIFI*

Why a pre-summer workshop?

Momentum – Getting started is the hardest part so we create the momentum your student needs to feel empowered and to lessen the stress that this process can bring on

Motivation – We provide a motivational and encouraging program to get your student excited about engaging in the college application process

Confidence – Your student will leave feeling confident and in control knowing major tasks are underway and that a great summer is ahead of them

What are the outcomes?

Your rising 12th grader will learn how to start and utilize their Common Application, learn how to write an effective college admission essay, and learn how to create a plan of action for a successful college application process

*All students are required to bring their own laptop/Chromebook that can easily connect to WIFI.

*Space is limited to promote individualized attention

*Snacks will be provided

*Refund policy: Attendees can receive a full refund up to 10 days prior to the event. No refunds will be issued for reservations cancelled after June 5th, 2019.


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