Searching for a school:  Factors to consider

Searching for a school: Factors to consider

By Sarah Bernstein, Fusion Academy Brooklyn   I know there are a few of you reading this hoping for me to provide a direct road map for finding the “best” school for your child. However, just like I say to my students at Fusion Academy, my philosophy is more...
Alternative Educational Options: Are They for You?

Alternative Educational Options: Are They for You?

By Sara Hassani   The changing landscape of educational options for junior high and high school students has opened exciting new vistas to students and their parents. Greater opportunities than ever before exist for students to enjoy an alternative, personalized...

9 tips for getting into a Visual Arts-Focused school

Get your grades up. All art schools rank students according to academics, talent and drive. Some schools like LaGuardia won’t even consider students who do not have high test scores and report card grades. Other schools may not be as demanding about academics if you...

High School Choice: A School’s Perspective

May 2015 Guest Blog: High School Choice: A School’s Perspective By Alexandra Hancock Consider this math: On average, a 9th grader is in school from 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM, so 7 hours. On a weekday, a typical 9th grader goes to bed around 10:00 PM and wakes up at 6:30...
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