It’s January, roughly halfway through the school year, a critical one for 7th graders and the high school admissions process.  I recently met with a roomful of anxious 7th grade families and offered them some of my top tips for what to accomplish the rest of the year.


Here are some of the tips I gave:


1.  Do you know your guidance counselor?  He/she will play a big role in your high school search, so get to know them as much as you can now.


2.  Have you looked at a high school directory yet?  Get one and start to get familiar with it.


3.  Do you have a calendar you use?  Without one, you will quickly get lost and overwhelmed by this process.


4.  Are you keeping track of your 7th grade course marks, attendance and test scores versus what your dream high schools are looking for?


5.  Have you actually written down the qualities you are looking for in your dream high school, and what talents and skills you have that would be a good match for it?


I will give a few more tips on my February 25, 2014 webinar.  For those of you who are serious about putting yourself in the absolute best position for the high school process by the end of 7th grade, feel free to contact me for more help.


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