Still unhappy with your high school result and considering an appeal?
Here are eight of the most important things you should know before submitting an appeal:
1. You must have a high school match. If you have not received a match yet and are waiting for round 2 results, you will be able to appeal after round 2.
2. Anyone can appeal to any program. That’s right, any program, but you only have up to 3 choices to make. And be sure to read below for more important information.
3. The reason for the appeal is critical. If you are simply appealing because you didn’t get what you wanted, that is generally not considered a strong appeal. The strongest reasons are for hardships like travel, safety, special needs, or medical.
4. Even if your appeal is granted, it will probably not be granted to a program you already applied to. In most cases, if you didn’t get matched to a particular program in round 1 or 2, you won’t get in through appeals. But…
5. …you have nothing to lose by appealing. However, be careful what you indicate on the appeal form, and be careful what you ask for. If your appeal can’t be granted to one of your choices, you may be placed somewhere else if you allow it. And if it is granted, that decision is considered final.
6. You can’t appeal into a specialized high school.
7. Many appeals are granted, but the majority are not.
8. Meet the deadline. Any appeal submitted after the deadline will most likely not be considered.
Like much of the process, I highly suggest getting expert advice before submitting any appeal – from your counselor or someone else who truly knows the process well.
Good luck!
Hi, I received my high school application and I was not satisfied with my placement. I did a round 2 and the same school came back to me. I didn’t know that I could do an appeal until yesterday. And I’m wondering if it’s too late to do an appeal and if it is too late, is it possible that I an still do it late and it beings able to be considered?
The deadline for submitting an appeal has passed, but we suggest that you please see your school counselor to ask about your questions and concerns.
Hii, I would like to know when are the appeal rounds results going to be released and where shall I go to see mine. Thank you pls reply
When are High school appeals back?
Hello, I did not like the school I got accepted to in round 1, therefore I went for round 2. I don’t like my match either due to the fact that they don’t offer advanced academic classes. Would this be a good reason to appeal for? Please let me know asap.
Thanks for writing. Without knowing much more about the situation, typically this is not considered a strong reason for an appeal. Having said that, appeals were due back to counselors last week, so we advise you to speak with your school counselor. Thanks again.
Hi my daughter wants to go for math and science high school but she got into English and social studies what do I need to do to get her into a different school. Thank you
If she got into a high school already and now you wish to appeal, please see your guidance counselor immediately. The deadline to submit an appeal has officially passed, but it’s worth asking!
Hi my daughter is trying to get into a jhs but I see they only choose 1 out of 3 kids…it’s the best school in my neighborhood as her zoned school is in a bad area…would appealing help me get into the school of choice?
Hi would it be okay if my reasons for appealing would be that the school I want to appeal for is closer and I can walk the distance and would it be a good reason to write that the school I want starts later than the other school so it will be better for me to get there on time??Thank you.
Thanks for writing, Liz. When creating your appeal, try to focus first on why the school to which you matched is unacceptable, rather than why your school of choice is better. We help families craft the strongest appeal possible, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like more comprehensive, personalized guidance!
So then can I write the same reasons but just say that the school I matched to is a bit too far and starts much earlier for me to even get there on time?
Hi.when are high school appeals?
Hi um my daughter got a high school, but then we moved and our address changed. The high school she got is far, but even though we moved she still goes to the same middle school. I want to know if there is any way she can get into her NEW zoned high school even though the round 2 application deadline passed.
Thanks for your note. If you have a new zoned HS, typically you can appeal for that program.
(We help families with appeals all the time – it’s one of our areas of expertise!)
GM, I will submitting an appeal and I need help. I see in the comments this is your area of expertise .. can you help me.
GM, I will submitting an appeal and I need help. I see in the comments this is your area of expertise .. can you help me.
Thanks, Lisa. If you are interested in scheduling an appeals consultation with someone on our team, feel free to use this link:
Hi Mourice,
I am a guidance counselor and have spoken to you by email many times in previous years. This is regarding a personal issue with my niece being accepted to Midwood and not Goldstein and need help with a good appeal. She’s in Mark Twain honer student, all 4s in state tests, USA and National champion rhythmic gymnast and we are devastated because Goldstein is the only school she really wants to attend. I know you might be able to help me. Thank you!
Maurice, I need help with an appeal.
hello my daugther didnt get into the high school she wanted only her ozone school took her so we went for around 2 now the school that picked her is 40 mins away she never had to travel just her and she will have to take two city buses and the school that picked her is in a bad area too what can i do can i appael for her to go back to her ozone school we are in newyork city
i do know for a fact she will always be late cuz i will have to take her to school
Hi, I got my round 1 results and I was so excited to get into a high school I got the schools mixed up because they are very much alike with the names, I did round 2 after I found out for the High School I wished to attend but my round 2 didn’t go through because the school it didnt have enough space and I submitted it late. The week after I received an offer from a school I never applied to once. I was not happy so I’m deciding to do the appeal round, will this be a good reason?
Do you know the appeal result comes out
My son applied for 12 high schools and received zero offers. Honor roll student .Round 2 he received one offer and its a very poor performance school C Minus , graduation rate of 56% and NY POST did an article that school was listed as UNSAFE where 85% of the teachers said they didn’t feel safe. I have to file for an appeal but you cant say its a poor performance. How do you appeal it without a police report they want documents unless you are a transgender . That’s what the appeal letter says. What can I do besides pull my child out of school and home school them if I don’t get him into a decent school where kids actually graduate?? I’m not sending my son to a bad school .
Hi, I just appealed to a new school that i did not feel confertable in, when should I hear back from the Board of Education?
When does the appeal start?
Hi Maurice,
My son received a specialized and non-specialized offer in round 1, due to anxiety/travel issues neither is a great option for my child. However if we take the specialized offer now (after the round 1 offers) can we still do the appeals process for the non-specialized schools after round 2?
Also, can we independently do the appeals process ourselves or do we have to do through the school guidance counselor?
Hey for this year of appeals, when can you start appealing into a different high school and when is the appeal due?
My daughter got 4.06 in Math and 3.86 in ELA (7th grade NYS Test). Total average 97% in 2018, she is also a member of the honors society and yet she didn’t receive any offer from the High Schools of her choice “none whatsoever”. She was assigned to our zoned school that has no Honors classes, poor AP classes and no Arts. Would this be a good reason to appeal for? Thank you so much for your time and efforts
Hii, I have a few questions about this topic:
1. When are the round 3 results being released and where can i go to view mine.(if u could give me an exact date and a link to where I have to go that would be awesome)
2. Would my grades not being submitted into the website thus me not gettimg a school I deserve be a relatively good or an exelent reason for me to apply for round 3???( btw i have great grades)
Hi Steve,
There is no round 3, I’m sorry to say. If you have further questions, please feel free to email us at or request a 15 minute complimentary call using our website contact form:
Thank you!
Hi, my daughter did not get any specialized offers or discovery program but she has friends who scored lower and received discovery offers. I’m confused since I figured once her results was close enough to cutoff she would have a chance to attend the program.