by Maurice Frumkin | Dec 22, 2022 | Blog
I often get the question, “We’ve done all this work submitting public high school applications, now what happens and why does it take so long?” The bad news is, there’s a somewhat agonizing wait for 8th grade families across the city to receive their high school...
by Maurice Frumkin | Sep 1, 2022 | Blog
***IMPORTANT: DATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE, and we will notify anyone who registers about changes in timing. Please note that as of the distribution of this webinar registration, the Dept. of Ed has not yet provided updated guidance on the 2022-2023 high school admissions...
by Maurice Frumkin | Aug 17, 2022 | Blog
“I’m applying to high school this fall – is there anything I can still accomplish before school starts?” New York City families with rising 8th graders often say to me at this time of the summer there is little more they can do to prepare for applying to high...
by Dana Ponsky | Jul 28, 2022 | Blog
August is a significant month for students and families as the college year typically begins. For those of you who have a student heading off to college this month, we are sure you are working diligently to prepare for the upcoming year and college experience as a...
by Dana Ponsky | Jun 30, 2022 | Blog
The College Essay. Those three words can elicit many emotions and reactions to a rising senior who needs to write one in the next few weeks and months. While I am the first to say the essay is probably the most challenging part of the college application, it does not...
by Stephanie Ureña | Jun 27, 2022 | Blog
El proceso de admisión a la escuela secundaria en la ciudad de Nueva York ha tenido algunos cambios desde la pandemia. Algunos de estos cambios incluyen la fecha límite para las aplicaciones, que antes de la pandemia solía ser diciembre, y también cómo algunas de las...